Sunday, July 6, 2008

Random Bits of Life....

So we leave for Utah at 5 PM tonight. I know our trip was nearly here when my dreams last night involved trying to mow the lawn before it was technically Sunday and finding out Kaitlyn had found a pair of scissors and managed to give herself quite a haircut. Isn't it funny how things we randomly thinking of can appear in our mind while we snooze.

We are flying out of Cincinnati at 8:45 PM and have a direct non-stop flight. This way we won't get stuck in some random airport if their was a delay or canceled flight. I also will be able to fly back with the kids by myself in a few weeks. This will be a first for me. I figure if I sky cap the bags, gate check the stroller and tightly secure the girls in their car seats on board it will work. Our six tickets are three and three in two rows. I'll put the boys in front of us so if the girls kick, they'll only bump their brothers. And if the girls scream for 3 and a half hours, the odds that I ever see another passenger on that flight is pretty slim.

My mom told me to contact Delta to see if she could help me through security and wait with us at the gate, but I told her if they said no, it would be no different than checking out of Wal-mart with my brood in tow. Sad, but totally true. The girls have been complete messes those last 20 minutes lately while we scan our food. Even with the boys around I end up buying a few Push Pops Brynn always manages to rip open with her teeth and a 20 oz Sprite they just HAD to have expressed through tears and screams. Oh well. At least at the airport they lack the tempting treats to entice them away from me. I think they might actually stay closer with all the intimidating security guards at every turn.

So we all know there is a lot of work that goes into getting read to leave on a trip. Rich will only be with us the first week, but the boys and I will be gone for a whopping three weeks. It will be great since it's been two years since we've stayed that long, but there were a lot of things that had to be taken care of because of our long absence. Like cleaning the house. Yup, the girls pitched right in and before I knew it I had the cleanest windows and glass table around. Thankfully they let me vacuum, fold laundry, clean the bathrooms and put out the ant poison all by myself and I wasn't complaining one bit!I also needed to clean up the yard and deep water all the plants. And as I worked I found a few pleasant surprises. Like how my hen and chick had a bloom. I love these space age looking plants because my Grandma Beardall had them in her yard. I will always plant some in every place we live and think of her.The little strawberry plant Trey picked out at Wal-mart two years ago finally produced from fruit. Trey thought they were simply tasty.I also found my three little tomato plants that I seriously never water have little round tomatoes. And one was even ready to be devoured. I thought it was totally early, but it was yummy and I can't wait for more.

Thanks to Ashlee and Co. for taking our hermit crabs. I know they are in good hands. The boys put into A LOT of thought about who they would trust with their little friends and you were on the top of the list!!

One more thing. As I uploaded photos for this post Blogger informed me that I have reached my maximum photo limit. I had heard that could happen, but was shocked to know I had uploaded 4,000 photos. Looks like it's time to slurp this blog into Blurb and get it published or fork out twenty dollars for more memory. I think I'll just have to do both!


Kristi said...

Cheryl is a gardner! Yea! I love the Joy on the table, and love even more that you let your girls do it. You are my hero of chaos.

Good luck with the airport. Oh, and FYI Delta does NOT let your mom help you through security (they said that they never have, but my mom was allowed back last year). Jerk faces. Kate nearly got a concussion as I tried to close my stroller without seeing her standing nearby. We even had to have the security EMT come and check her out. I am missing you already! Have a wonderful visit!

Amanda said...

I'm so excited that you are going to be here. Please email me so we can get together.

Airports with children are crazy. I've decided that the best way to deal with it is to arrive with amples of extra time and have a lot of patience. I know, easier said than done, but there are so many unexpected things that come up at the airport, that you just have to be ready for anything.

I had no idea that blogger had a photo limit, bummer. I'd say it's definitely worth the money to add more memory. I'm sure it'd be worth the money to make it into a book as well. Let me know how it goes.

Can't wait to see you.

Laura F said...

I TOTALLY agree with you about airports and walmart, and there are days I'd choose the flight over the superstore in a heartbeat! You'll do great. I actually did Benadryl with Audrey on our flight out here (okay, I admit it freely) and she slept almost the entire 4 hours in her carseat. It was awesome! Easiest flight I've had so far, because I actually had hands free to take care of the other kids and to even read a little of the book I brought. Can't tell you the last time THAT happened. Hope you're as lucky, and I'm sorry we'll miss you this summer!

traci said...

Have fun. I can't wait until you come back so that we can come over there for our slumber party.

Kim Cannon said...

Traveling with kids is definately hard work. Putting your boys in front is an excellent idea. My kids always kick the seats in front of them. Give Brad and Jana a hug from me at the wedding.

jamie said...

Amen to what Kristi said. You are my hero of chaos as well. When I saw the pics of your girls helping you clean, I started to panic for you and then I read what you wrote and it made me smile. you are such a great mom. I need to take notes. I hope your trip to Utah is/was a blast and the trip home on the plane is very, very, very uneventful.

Julie said...

Cheryl-It is fun to finally get a glimps of who you are. For sure you are one busy lady! Thanks for the invite!