Monday, November 14, 2011

Two Years Old

August 12th

Zach is TWO!  I love my sweet baby boy.  He's my pumpkin, my Z, my baby, my ever present buddy.  And I love it.  Zach is so handsome, so funny, so smart, so loving and I'm so lucky to be his mommy.  We don't know what we would do without our Zach Attack.  He loves his Daddy, his siblings, his Grandparents and those TOOLS!

Zach had a big to-do on his second birthday that actually last TWO DAYS!  On his birthday we had a slower morning, but then went to lunch at Cafe Rio, ran some birthday errands (balloons, check!) and met Rich at the Provo Beach Resort after work for some serious fun.  Every child should ride on a carousel on their birthday.  It should be a law.  We played a few games, but the highlight was bowling.  Zach loved it.

The next day was Salem Days.  We went down for breakfast at the park and then watched the parade.  Afterwards I decorated my parents kitchen for Zach's Car themed party and we had fun with the cousins breaking a pinata, opening presents and eating cake.  Brad's wife Jana turned 30 on Saturday, one day after Zach, so we had a joint celebration for both.

Happy Birthday sweet Zachy!!  We LOVE you!!!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Is your life really this busy or are you just catching up on like tens years worth of blogging........

Who am I kidding....your life is really this busy. You amaze me constantly.