Tuesday, November 24, 2009

VPE Upper Primary Poetry Pizzazz

This morning Rich and I were treated to a very special presentation at school. Josh and Matt's classes had a poetry reading event called Poetry Pizzazz. Each child read aloud poems they had written. With Josh and Matt in different classes, I was a bit worried that they might read at the same time, so I emailed the teachers to make sure they wouldn't over lap. They happily obliged.

Rich used one of his precious vacation weeks and is off all week! It was so fun to have him there with us, because it is a rare treat. The readings began at 8 AM, so it was so wonderful to have both of us working together to get the kids off to school, bathe and dress the girls and baby and be there on time- which we happily were.We went into Josh's class first. He was the first student to read. His poem was about Zach. (I typed it up on a previous post.)When he finished his poem, he held up an 8x10 picture of Zach I had printed off and sent in. It was so funny to hear all the adults in the back simultaneously sigh, "Ahhhh." I almost laughed out loud.After Josh's reading, we went next door to Matt's room. He had his entire poetry folder with him, so I was able to read each poem while we waited for his turn. I loved reading this one. It's about my little brother Jeff. I saw the rough draft in his backpack the day before. On the line that listed words about Jeff it said 'teenager' and he spelled medical 'medickle'. So cute. (FYI- Jeff's 26 and married!)Matt read two poems. The first was about Christmas and the second was about friends. He had been nervous the night before, but it didn't show. He did a great job.A few hours later, we came back to eat lunch with the boys. It was the perfect last day of school before Thanksgiving Break!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

I'm jealous that you have Wed off as well. I was SO happy that today marks the end of packing lunches, getting uniforms together, taking in canned food, Tae Kwon Do, scouts, and driving carpool (for a few days anyway). I need this short break from the routine.

What a perfect week for Rich to have off. I am sure you will be busy having adventures and enjoying having Daddy around.

Happy Thanksgiving!

p.s. Josh looks like he is 12. Seriously, I can't get over how much he has grown up over the past year.