Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lost and Found

As our car approached our house after school pick up, I noticed a mangy looking dog wandering around our cul-de-sac. As we pulled into our driveway, I spied a second tiny dog, about the size of a cat, on our next door neighbors grass. It was apparent these two little fellas were not from around here.

As soon as the car was in park, Trey dashed out and Josh soon followed in pursuit of the little chihuahua that had disappeared into the neighbors yard. I went inside to feed a starving baby and soon forgot about the pair of four legged animals roaming our street.

Once Zach's belly was full, I started to head upstairs to sort the laundry when my eyes caught sight of the scene there on our sidewalk. Trey was kneeling down with two little friends by his side. He had been successful in finding both dogs. I was touched by his concern and care he felt towards them.

I exited the house and looked on those two lonely little faces and knew they needed some assistance, desperately. Thankfully they both had on collars. I have never owned a dog, nor ever plan on owning a dog and had no idea what is even on dog collar, but I knew it was our key to getting these two home. I picked up the phone and for the first time in my life called a veterinarian clinic.

After a quick relay of numbers from the tags, we properly introduced ourselves to Tiny and Mr. Wiggles. I also had the owners phone number in hand. I dialed the digits and was soon connected with an older man with a deep booming voice.

My rapid fire speech in sued, informing him I had found his dogs wandering in our neighborhood and they were currently in our fenced backyard.

"Slow down, slow down. I'm on a cell phone. I can't understand you. What did you say?" He inquired.


"What?! You mean you have Tiny?" His voice had a tinge of desperation. In the background he quickly asked someone to hand him a paper or write down what he said.

I carefully spelled out F-i-t-z-r-o-y Lane. Not an easy street name to understand over the phone.

"We will be there soon."

I could sense that he was deeply grateful for the phone call. I was grateful Trey had taken it upon himself to round up the dogs. I was also grateful for this opportunity for our family to do one small act of service and see the rewards that can come by lending a hand.

My kids and half the neighborhood spent an enjoyable amount of time in the backyard cuddling, coddling and cooing over Tiny and Mr. Wiggles. To me, the dogs seemed a bit traumatized from their ordeal, but with some time attention seemed to be recovering well. When the chihuahua was shivering, the boys wrapped him a towel and he fell asleep. Kaitlyn rushed inside to tell me the baby dog was sleeping. It was wonderful to see the affection they freely gave to the little pups.

Mr. Reed soon arrived and we handed over the two dogs. The first thing that popped into my mind when peered inside his car was that we had found Santa Claus' dogs. He was a spitting image of the big man himself.

After some pleasantries and an explanation of the dogs escape early that morning we waved them goodbye.

As I began to usher the kids into the house, the cars break lights glowed red and I was called back ("little lady") and with a twinkle in his eye he spoke in a hushed tone. "I didn't want the little ones to hear, but the day after Thanksgiving, at Lexington Green, I'll be there. Drop by and say hello."

By golly, we had in fact found Mr. Claus' pets.

Hot diggity dog (literally). This might be the mightiest Christmas yet.

He seriously owes us..... and we owe him for one terrific dog day afternoon!TinyMr. Wiggles


Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

Okay you get some major Karma points for rescuing Santa's dogs!!!!!!
As a dog owner myself, it is nice to know that there are people that will stop an help, it sounds so cheesy but they really become a big part of your lives, and would be so sad to think of anything happening to them.

Also, with the kindle...(back to it- okay I lost your email address SAD huh!! Must have gotten lost in the shuffle of new computers) so i'll leave a blog comment... (totally off topic).
The kindle is not like reading a computer screen, it's weird but it's more like an etch a sketch... totally comfortable on my eyes, I didn't want one for a while because i was nervous about that.
I love it for when I travel because I don't have to haul heavy book around with me, just the kindle and if I finish a book on vacation I can just buy another one from wherever I am.
I also like that I can read a few books at a time, I know it's weird, but sometimes I'm in a different mood and don't want to keep reading the same thing. I also have the Book of Mormon on mine which is nice to read when I have a few moments to spare here and there...

Okay, I totally need to make a trip up there to see you! I haven't even given you something for little Zach yet ! I'm such a loser! I'll get some people and plan a day to come see you soon! Are you guys around over Christmas break?

Heather Woolley said...

What a great story! Loved it!

Marcie said...

Wondering if the kids will remember him....what a fun story with such a surprising end. However, I was totally expecting you to have asked him to pose for a picture :) you're going to have to pay for one :)

Are you considering a Kindle. Let me know if you are serious. It would be worth my consideration if I knew we could share books (because I think they are so pricey compared to the regular version).

Jen said...

What a darling story Cheryl. They were cute little dogs. How crazy that you saved Santa's little helpers! :-) What cute boys you have!

Elder and Sister Swenson said...

Thanks Cheryl!! I love this post. You have such a fun blog to read and such cute kids to watch growing up from a distance!