Thursday, November 12, 2009

dribble, dribble, dribble, SHOOT!

I know where I will be every Wednesday night, Thursday night and Saturday morning until March- sitting on the bleachers in Glendover Elementary School's gymnasium watching kids trying to get an orange ball through a hoop. In some ways I feel like we were just doing this. But then I look and see this cutie, I know a lot of time has passed since we were there watching practices and games with our Moms while I was battling a difficult pregnancy this past spring.Trey's on a new team this year, the Sonics. It is 4th and 5th graders, but their team only has one fifth grade player. If we stick around next year, they could be really good. Trey was thrilled when he was sitting on the bench lacing up his shoes and recognized a few faces warming up. There is a boy from our ward, Justin, and one of Trey's best friends from school, Hunter. Trey's coach played at Western Kentucky and after just one practice I can see a world of change from the crazed, technical foul inducing, expletive laced, loser dads from last season. Truth be told, Trey should have returned to his old team and coaches, but we opted to put him back in the draft. It really was THAT bad. This new team will be perfect for him, even though we'll be late for scouts every week until spring, it will be worth it to be on a team with knowledgeable coaches and nice teammates. Josh and Matt are lucky to have Rich as their coach again. They moved up to the older league (2nd and 3rd graders) and their team name is the Wildcats. The other coach is our friend from the ward and his son Nate is on the team too.

It will be a big season for them. In this league they call fouls, shoot free throws, do not allow traveling or double dribbling and inforce all other rules. It really is tough at this age to be really skilled in every area. Rich plans to focus on teaching the kids the fundamentals of the game, which creates solid players and gives you the opportunity to win- on the scoreboard and in the long run of becoming a technically sound player.We did have a few seconds of panic yestreday when we realized, just before practice, that Josh and Trey did not have basketball shoes that fit. We rushed to Dick's an hour before practice and purchased two pairs of Nikes. While they fit perfectly, those shoes will just have to be broken in on the court.

The next four months we will be busy with all basketball entails, but I love watching the boys learn how to work alongside a team, develop various skills and understand how to be gracious whether they win or lose. The girls always love an event and I love watching Rich share his vast knowledge of the game with young, eager players. It will be a fun ride.

Here's to a great season boys!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Thank you once again for putting my life into perspective......and there I was complaining about adding one night a week of scouts which is a 1 minute drive away. You are juggling scouts (far away) with 3 kids playing basketball three days a week.

When I grow up I want to be a mom like you.

p.s. The Baptism is a Stake one the Sat. after Thanksgiving. We are all very excited.