Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A whirlwind of a week

Whew! What a BUSY week! We got back from Utah on Sunday, August 12, the boys started school on Monday August 13, and I left for my brother Jeff's wedding Sacramento, CA on Friday, August 17 and got back to Lexington on Sunday, August 19. Talk about major hours on an airplane gaining and losing time. The past few days I have been playing catch up, storing suitcases, cleaning bathroom, killing ants (I actually think I am winning the battle now thanks to Kristi and Home Depot) and loving being home.

Rich was such a trooper for this wedding. We decided it was too far and too short of a trip to take the kids to the wedding in California. Rich had to work on Friday too, so I was the only one who made the long journey out West. I have to give a huge THANK YOU to Jonni Badger for taking my kids on Friday. Not many sane people would have agreed to watch five little ones when you have a 5, 3 and 10 month of your own. You were a lifesaver and I knew they were in great hands!

Once Rich got the kids on Friday night I relaxed a bit knowing they were home with Dad and Jonni wasn't stressing over my five anymore. Rich was amazing. He took the kids to Burger King and then to a park to play on Saturday night. Early Sunday morning he had the kids up in Sunday best, shirts tucked in and hair combed and on time to church at 11 AM. Did I mention that I married the best guy ever? He can cook, clean and sew (that part may be just on the body though)! The house looked great, the laundry was folded, but the best part was coming home to my little family that I missed so much.

As for the wedding, it was amazing for many reasons. I got to be my Grandma Nance's companion and roommate, spent time with all five of my brothers and parents and finally met Sarah, Jeff's soon-t0-be wife. There was always someone laughing, joking and smiles on everyone's faces. It had been far too long since my own immediate family was together like this.

The highlights of the weekend were our incredible shuttle type van we rented from Budget appropriately named The Beast (who needs the bright yellow Porsche 911 spotted out side out hotel when you've got the Ford E-series!), our sugar and caffeine run in our Sunday best to a little gas station with Kurt toting a whopping 64 ouncer of Dr. Pepper across the five lane street with me teetering on 4 inch heels hanging on to his arm, the inconceivable fact that Brad is still not married, our new Polynesian family members we met outside the temple (random strangers that attached themselves to Grandma- see photo!), the World's #1 Best Man, being coerced into putting cake on a car, reminiscing about He-Man and stories of our childhood, Greg and Jeff's singing, celebrating little Michael's 2nd birthday and other various strange, but funny little happenings. Maybe we are nutty, but at least we think the same things are humorous. As Brad would say in his little accent, Very Nice! What memories.

As for how we got the Beast, it was all about luck really. It was a good thing my family got there before me because there was a Disneyland size line to pick up the car. Once he got to the front, they said they had a 7 person van for us but didn't have the reservation for the second car. Brad asked, don't you have anything bigger? They said yes, they had an 8 passenger van. OK, this would work. We got the keys and trucked on out. We were laughing when we saw the maroon Beast. They should have said, 15 passenger van minus the back seat. It was too funny, but worked perfectly and fit us all. Grandma Nance was a good sport and allowed my brothers to help her in each time and never complained. It fact she did amazingly well. She had open heart surgery this past April. She worked hard in rehab getting her strength back and was determined to make the trip from Utah. She was incredible.

This trip was go, go, go! I my flight left Lexington at 6:20 AM which meant I was moving (just barely) at 4 AM to get off on time. I flew through Houston, landed just shortly after my family and spent two hours getting my checked bags, taking the shuttle to the rental car place and then waited forever to get the car. We got stuck in traffic, finally checked into the hotel, rushed to change our clothes and speed to the temple. After we went to straight to their dinner. No kids invited. Once more I am relived my brood was home with Dad. Jeff and Sarah's sealing was at 9 AM on Saturday, followed by pictures, luncheon, reception set up, reception, clean up and then a long flight home early Sunday morning. I got home after 11 PM. Losing three hours kills the chances of getting home at a decent hour. It was a long marathon few days and would have been tough on the kids, but I had a wonderful time.

Many happy years to you Jeff and Sarah! You have a wonderful life and journey ahead!


Marcie said...

What a beautiful family- and an incredibly good looking couple.

I was impressed by you walking in those heels- really impressed to find out you were running across streets!

What a guy Rich! I can't beleive he took all the kids to church. Jim will be leaving the kids home with his mom this weekend while I am out of town. To give him credit- he does have to sit on the stand- I don't think the bishop would go for his family sitting up their with him.

Glad you had a good time with family- hope you can catch up on rest and home.

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the great post. I have been watching, knowing that you could catch me up on the wedding. Great pictures too. It is fun to see everybody.

Jeff said...

Thanks for coming to our wedding cheryl!! We love the pictures! We were kind of oblivious to the crazy weekend that you had but I hope you know we appreciated you there so much!