Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Can Man Live on Nuggets Alone?

Matt's good health seems to prove that it may be possible to eat only chicken nuggets and still thrive. When I think about what Matt has eaten in the last two weeks, all that comes to mind is chicken nuggets. In Utah he ate them at the Jackson's, at the Nance's, at Wendy's and at McDonald's. I guess he did eat fried chicken at Chuck-A-Rama, but that's almost like eating nuggets.

Since we've been home he's eaten chicken nuggets for breakfast (yes, I'm being serious), lunch (four in a ziploc baggie in his sack lunch) and for dinner. I laughed when I made his lunch yesterday and it consisted of nuggets, a chocolate pop tart, a Capri Sun (which he didn't drink) and a Trix yogurt. They yogurt was the only redeeming thing about the lunch.

What to do? I guess I'll just love him and hope he doesn't start sprouting feathers!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Nuggets are the only meat Davis will eat- Hayden won't eat any meat. So we too, are grateful they exist.