Sunday, August 5, 2007

Coming Home

"Absence makes the heart grown fonder, or forgetful." Maid Marian

I have to agree with both parts of that statement. My years living away have made me appreciate all the wonders and beauties of Utah. I am in love with the dryness in the air, the mountain peaks, easy to navigate streets and addresses and the friendly, kind people. I love that there is a church on nearly every block and that temples dot the valley. I love being close to family and letting my children create relationships with their grandparents. As for the forgetful part, I forget how much I love the Timpanogos and Mt. Loafer, how beautiful the Salt Lake Temple is, how the stars are finally in the same place as when I learned them, how Utah grass beats the scratchy Kentucky Bluegrass any day, how it hurts to live far away from our parents and how long the airplane ride home can be. You also forget all those things once you get home because it seems like you never left in the first place.

No matter how long it has been, no matter how long it takes or how short you can stay, coming home is like getting wrapped in a warm, clean, soft blanket. You just want to sit down, wrap yourself up, close your eyes, relax, snuggle in and stay for a while. The days, months or even years that you missed seem like seconds and you just fit right back in. Of course you notice the new shopping center, new streets, new subdivisions, the new clock on the wall, the new paint in the bathroom, but that doesn't make a difference, you still belong. You are truly home.

It had been seven months since we ventured home last December. The girls were just crawling and had little pink helmets on the their heads. They could not speak and Brynn never broke a smile at any new faces. Now the girls can say a few things, climb up and down the stairs, and love to explore each and every nook and cranny in their new surrounds. Brynn actually giggled and smiled last night, well some of the time. I miss the gates and confined spaces, but being with family is worth all the chasing.

The boys are in heaven. They played with eight cousins, five aunts, seven uncles, and four Grandparents just yesterday alone and swam in Grandma Blackhair's pool for hours at a time. They remembered all the important places; where the air hockey, Foosball table, PS2 and NBA Jam are located and are fascinated by the laundry shoot on the second floor. They love Great Harvest bread, Fat Cats bowling and are counting down the minutes until we eat at the "bean place" (Cafe Rio). They will have a hard time leaving, especially having so many fun aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents to play with.

Rich was giddy on the drive to the airport, like a child eagerly anticipating Christmas. He doesn't get home as often as the rest of us, and his face radiated happiness. He loved having his Dad pick us up at the aiport and visiting with him on the hour ride home. He spent more time in the pool yesterday than he had all summer, got some sun on his face and shoulders and is hoping for a tee time soon. And while the ever present need to read and study physics has not diminished, being in Utah has been a fun distraction even if it's only for four days.

Rich asked me on the plane if my shopping fibers were twitching yet. I laughed; like I never shop in Lexington. Now I had an excuse, my body would make me do it! I have already been to University Mall, ShopKo, Losee Jewelers, Seagull Book and Tape and Sam' Club so my to do list of errands is getting smaller. It's amazing how you miss certain stores when they are not available where you currently live. You have to stock up on items to last you through until your next trip back. I got to see almost all of my family yesterday when Rich's family invited them to come up to swim and BBQ. What a blessing it is to have our families so close together.

We are trying to enjoy each moment here so next week when we are back to our school routine and everyday lives we still have a bit of Utah happiness locked inside to last until our next return.


Tiffany said...

oh cheryl i shouldn't have read this! make sure to bring some utah home with you!

Marcie said...

Welcome to Utah! Such a well written post. I need to print it off to show Jim every time he complains about greener dental pastures elsewhere.

If you are planning to go to Thanksgiving point this week or have any down time- let me know. I'd love to see you- I also know how crazy family time is.

Tiffany said...

Have a great time! Eat lots of Cafe Rio for me!

Barney Family said...

Cheryl, I was just in Utah for the weekend. It would have been great to see you guys. On our trip, Jason said over and over again "how pretty it is in Utah". I hope you had a great week.


Sally said...

Cheryl- if you are back- you are tagged. (See my blog)