Friday, August 31, 2007

Girl Hair Bows

Even though my two little girls are 99% of the time hair bow free, this is not by my doing. My hopes are still high that Brynn will finally relent and leave them alone and Kaitlyn will someday grow enough hair so they stay anchored.

My good friend Kristi Hamilton and I made bows when I was pregnant with the girls. We gathered up all the ribbon we had (I bought most of mine from Wal-mart) and she brought the clips ($5.00 for 100 count from Sally's Beauty Supply) and we would create headbands and bows for hours. We would look at and pry apart old bows to see how they were made and would branch out on our own and try new ideas. Kristi got so good at it, she makes them and gives them as gifts. Love that!

Today, she email me this website address. It gives great instructions about making different types of hair bows. So if you have a little girl, niece or neighbor, want a new hobby or gift idea, check it out. It looks like fun to me!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Yes, I benefited greatly from Kristi's bow making.

Thanks so much for the instructions. I have tried to make my own (by taking them apart) but they never turned out as cute. Now I know I was missing a few key "pinches in the right place". Thank you!

I loooove doing Alice's hair every day. I'm sure with two girls your odds are pretty good that at least one of them will climb aboard the "hari train".