Monday, August 27, 2007

Let The Fantasy Begin!

We were ahead of the game last night. Even with my hours of phone calls to grandma's and parents in Utah and the youth fireside Rich attended, by 9 we had the kids in their PJ's, scriptures read (thanks to my better half), teeth brushed, prayers said, tucked in and lights out before 9:30 PM. Our bedtime goal on school nights is 9 PM, so we were close, very close.

Rich helped me fold some laundry and I didn't know what to do with myself being kid free for a few waking moments. I still feel like I'm playing sleep catch up from our trip to Utah and my solo journey to Cali last weekend, so I thought I'd read for a bit and go to sleep early.

Rich headed downstairs so I followed. I thought he'd grab a drink or some food in the kitchen, but he surprised me by heading straight for the computer. Huh? But I was puzzled for just a moment, then I remembered. How I could forget when this day, hour and even minute meant so much to Rich? What kind of a loving and supportive wife am I? It was..... Draft Time Baby!!

There was a buzz in the air (or that could have been the constant cell phone connection over the next two hours). There was a spring in Rich's step and a gleam in his eye. This was like Rich's Disneyland. He has won the coveted Fantasy Football trophy for two years running with his med school buddies, but this was different. This time it really matters, because it's family!

While in Utah Rich and Taylor flipped through a calendar finding a perfect date and time that everyone could be available, online and prepared for their Fantasy Football Draft. It was like selected a wedding date, it had to be perfect. Rich talked about it with his brothers for weeks, the excitement building. He and Taylor had deep discussions about how to run the draft, what should be allowed, how the point system would work. It would run like a well oiled machine.

The hour was at hand, the wait was nearly done. Rich was ready and he was going to show no mercy. He clicked on the computer, searched for his print out of players, called his brother on his cell phone, scanned web sites about potential draft picks and counted down the seconds. He was like the NBA GM I knew he could have been.

I could hear Taylor's voice on the other end. They had the excitement of young boys talking about the newest and coolest gadget they finally were the proud owner of. I love seeing Rich so happy.

Rich's eyes grew wide when the countdown reached zero. The first pick selected in a matter of seconds and then it was Charlie's turn. He picked Payton Manning, Rich's favorite pick was gone. It was like when Caesar was stabbed in the back, Rich was taken aback. How could he do that to him? What to do? Rich didn't falter, he flipped through player sheets and found a second suitable pick in an instant. He was still in the game.

It was a roller coaster of emotions for 16 tedious rounds. There was laughter, screams of praise and disbelief as they all watched who was grabbed next. And it was all shared over a computer and cell phone. What a world we live in. It's a pretty great place to be.

Good luck Rich. I hope you win. You had better or Taylor will NEVER let you live it down! If not, there's always Fantasy basketball!

Go Fighting Trees!


Marcie said...

I'm laughing because I debated snapping a photo of Jim doing the same thing twice (two different leagues) last week.

I would have if there weren't others in my family room with lap tops and cell phones on and buzzing also. I was cleaning up the kitchen and overheard the whole thing. It was very entertaining here also.

Good luck Rich!

Ashlee said...

So I have slowly been reading all your recent blog entries. I love it! I truely feel I know you better and like we were saying in church I found out we have more in common. It's sad that it took us blogging to get to know each other better but hey, it's a blogging world and life is crazy!!!