Thursday, August 2, 2007

Take me out to the.... anywhere actually.

I am a firm believer that you must leave the house at least once a day. For me, this equals sanity and a brief moment when the house remains clean during the daylight hours. It doesn't matter if I stay in the car the entire time with the kids strapped in behind me, I just need time away.

I am not picky, you could call me an equal opportunity lover of outings. They can be big or small. I don't mind if we are gone ten minutes or ten hours, I just like having something to look forward to. I don't mind errands or going to five different stores in one day. I love to stroll through the mall just as much as I like taking a walk with the girls. Some days it is only a quick drive thru run to McDonald's or the bank. The boys love going to the bank and the teller is wide eyed when I ask for five suckers. Maybe she thinks I have a sweet tooth or need a quick sugar fix, but behind those tinted van windows are ten eager eyes watching her, waiting for their treats. Most days it is a Wal-mart run where I have to drag the boys away from the toy aisles or game section. Once in a while we go on a walk in the evenings when the heat of the day has subsided. This past week we have ventured to the pool. And I dream of days we can someday spend at Disneyland, the best outing of all.

As I ponder this need I have to be on the move, if only for a few minutes, I realize three things. First, I am just like my Mother. She too needs to get out like me. After I had Trey, we started setting time aside each Monday to go to lunch and run errands. I loved this time together and it was then that I developed my deep appreciation and love for Cafe Rio. When I was pregnant with Josh and Matt and then Brynn and Kaitlyn, she would get me out. It was heaven. She would drive, I would recline and just getting in the car for a short ride would make my time down bearable. Thanks Mom!

Second, I am a sharp contrast to my Grandma Nance. I love and admire her, but we are complete opposites. She can spend days inside quilting, working in the yard and is perfectly content and at peace with being home. I can't say I agree.

And third, I have in fact started turning my kids into me. It's like they have been in training since birth. They can sleep in the car or stroller, they enjoy running errands and shopping at the mall and if we haven't been out of the house all day, they too seem to feel a need to get out. I guess I've rubbed off on them.

As we are on the eve of our trip to Utah, I have to admit I am ecstatic and the boys are counting down the minutes. Yes, I love to see the family, but I thrilled too about the variety of places to go, all the things to see and do. I am hoping for marathon days, the ones that start early and end late. My family is famous for our all day Saturdays. Rich says they wear him out. He is weak! We start with miniature golfing or bowling, then have lunch, walk the mall, see a movie. Those are my favorite days. The ones where everyone is together.

Here we come Chuck-E-Cheese, the zoo, Chuck-A-Rama, Fat Cats, Hogi Yogi, the dentist, opthamologist, the temple, visits to the grandparents, Trafalga, Kalle's baby blessing, Losee Jewelers, Shopko and Grandma's pool. I don't plan on stopping, but neither do the kids. It will be a happy week for all. And we can always sleep when we get home!


Marcie said...

At least once or twice a week I need to get out of the house order to keep some sense of sanity. But, I don't like to go out everyday, I don't have the energy for it. You...on the other hand, seem to have energy to spare. Are you related to the Energizer Bunny?

Sally said...

I would pay big bucks for a fraction of your energy! I hope you have a fabulous time in Utah!

Jenny said...

Cheryl, we are so excited to see you! Jacob has been making plans for all his Tucky cousins! He is so excited to have some other boys to play with! Good luck with your travels...see you soon!

Cheryl said...

Thanks everybody! I hope the girls are tired and sleep all the way to Utah. OK, that won't happen, but one can hope!