Thursday, August 23, 2007

Matt once more...

It has been killer hot here in Kentucky over the past two weeks. The actual temperature has been in the high 90's and I think we even made it to 100 yesterday. I don't know, I chose to stay inside and blog. What a nice day it was! The heat index says it feels much hotter when you add in the humidity. We are planning a trip to the pool tonight to cool off. The boys are excited and the girls will enjoy getting out.

When we got home from school pick up I was thirsty. My favorite drink to beat the heat is diet Sprite with a little bit of grapefruit juice. It really is refreshing. Matt was thirsty too and after a quick "squiggle" as Matt calls it (drinking from the bottle) to make sure the Sprite wasn't poisonous I got after him to find a cup. My empty glass with ice was left by the computer and Matt spied it and filled it up with drink. After a few seconds he said, "Hey, I can taste that there was Fresca in this cup before." No I thought, there isn't any Fresca open, but then realized that he was using my glass and that it would taste like Fresca since that drink is supposed to taste like grapefruit. I told Matt he was very smart to recognize the drink. He said, "Yes, my taste buds could tell and they sent the data into my body and I knew. Taste buds are important."

Matt proves once again his little brain is fully functioning.


Tiffany said...

Too cute! Although I don't know if Matt's taste buds would be able to identify brocoli or carrots??? I loved seeing all the pictures from your Utah trip. What fun memories. We need to get together soon.

Jenny said...

I love Matt! Thanks for all your blogs! It is so nice to know what you Jacksons are doing in Kentucky. Thank you Cheryl, for getting me back on the blogging track! I just finished the blog you tagged me with. I hadn't blogged since before all the illnesses at my house. I have so much catching up to do!

Tiffany said...

oh my he is too funny!!