Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Making Memories

How do you fit ten days of memories of Utah and family into one little post? I can't even try, so I'll have to go with the narrowed down, highlighted version. Even then this may end near novel length. So much for my ability to give only the absolute minimum amount of information necessary. But seriously, where's the fun in that?

And we are off! There were smiles and happiness looking forward to our trip home to Utah. We drove up to Cincinnati and flew out from there so we could have a direct flight. I love knowing once that plane takes off and lands you are there.

What a good looking bunch (of course I am biased being their mother and all). I have brag that they were incredibly good on the plane. I guess after doing this trek home at least twice a year for seven years makes for some seasoned and exceptionally well behaved young travelers!

The Provo Utah Temple. Doesn't this just look like a postcard. Rich loves Rock Canyon. This is a two minute drive from Rich's parents home and where he grew up.

Mt. Loafer, Salem, Utah. This the most beautiful mountain! I love it. This is what you get to see everyday from my parents front yard.

On Saturday Rich's family had a BBQ, we swam and my family came up for the party. I wish I could have gotten a picture of Charlie, Julianne and Emma, Rich's Mom, Andrew, Danny and Taylor. I don't know what I was thinking! Sorry guys!

Jenny, Jacob and little Ruby Howlett. Jenny is Rich's sister. Her husband Andrew had an emergency appendectomy while we were out visiting, then their family got the flu. Talk about getting kicked when you are down! Hope you all are 100% now!

Heather, Kris and Jackson Woolley. Heather is Rich's sister and lives in Phoenix. They came out for the week. When they lived in Boston we went up to visit them. It was so fun for all the Jacksons to be together.

Danny's wife Brynn with little Kalle. Kalle was blessed while we were in Utah and it was the first time we got to meet her. She was born in Hawaii on our twin girls birthday, March 25. Brynn's father is the painter Greg Olsen who has painted many well known pictures of the Savior. We call this Brynn big little Brynn. You can't call her big Brynn when she isn't that big!

After the blessing we had a Jackson family photo taken in the backyard. I think it turned out quite well. We were all in denim and white and there were six babies to deal with! I'll have Rich's family send it to me and I can post it later.

Later that night we headed down to Springville to visit.

Most of the men in my life. What a lucky girl!

Jeff and his mini-me Matt.

Nance guys: Rhett, Brad, Kurt, Jeff and Dad

Grandma Nance, my mom, me and the girls.

OK, this thing was seriously dangerous. It was a PowerWheels Barbie 2 seater and the kids discovered it in Jackson's gym. I strapped Kaitlyn in next to Kamae and off they went with 3 year old Kamae driving on high speed. They did an amazing quick U-turn and hit head on into the wall. Ouch! Later we found the slow speed, but it's didn't help much. I have to admit I was laughing so hard through all this. I really wasn't setting a good responsible, parent example, but who could stop giggling when your kids are zooming around, hanging on for dear life. Yeah, may you could, but I guess I'm still a kid inside!

Traci Underwood and her crew met up with me and my gang at Cafe Rio. Great food and even better company! Thanks for making the trip down to Provo! Just for the record I ate at Cafe Rio three times in one week. Heaven!

This is the new and first high school in Salem. It will be called Salem Hills High and their mascot will be the Sky Hawks. It will open next fall (2008) and my little brother Rhett will be a senior there. Salem has grown! It now has three elementary schools and now a high school. Amazing!

I ran over to BYU campus to get the new Stephenie Meyer book Eclipse from the bookstore after every Deseret Book and Seagull Book and Tape sold out by 10:30 AM the morning they were released. The campus was as beautiful and well manicured as ever, but I left thinking when did the EFY participants looks like they were 10 and the counselors looks like they were 12. Seriously I didn't look that young in college!

Happy 3rd Birthday Kamae on August 7th! She is Rich's sister Heather's daughter. After her birthday celebration, Rich had to head to the airport and was off to his physics review course in Sacramento, CA.

Some of the Jackson cousins. Left to Right: Annie, Kamae, Halle, Jacob, Josh and Matt. The Jacksons have 13 grandchildren with 12 being 6 and under. We were all there during our trip. Talk about chaos, happy chaos, but crazy nonetheless.

Rich's wonderful sister Rosie holding Danny's little baby Kalle.

The boys loved swimming in the Jackson pool, playing air hockey, shooting in the gym and playing with their cousins. It was hard for them to leave!

On Wednesday I went up to SLC to have my eyes checked and then met my family at Chuck-E-Cheese. We can't go home to Utah with out at least one visit to the kid's favorite place!

That evening Kurt went through the Provo temple for the first time. After we celebrated at Chuck-A-Rama. My Grandpa and Grandma Larsen, Grandma Nance and my family were there.

Josh loved hanging out with Uncle Brad. They went to the driving range twice, shot baskets on the sport court and had an intense game of baseball in the backyard. Thanks Brad for making Josh feel so special.

Visiting with my mom's parents Grandma and Grandpa Larsen. Since my kids have 11 (yes that's no typo) grandparents we have to be very specific in describing them. These two are referred to as the ones with Legos. Very descriptive I know!

We lucked out and were in town for Salem Days. This is one of my favorite things. It was always the last hurrah before school started. This year Brad, Jeff, Kurt, Rhett and I ran the 5K Fun Run Race. This was a crazy idea, since I hadn't run 3 miles for over two years, but I knew I could keep pace with one of my brothers so off we went. Brad and I finished together at 29 minutes. I was sore for a week!

After the race you walk up on to Knoll Park. It is more like a hill that over looks Salem Pond. It's beautiful. There you can eat a free breakfast of pancakes, eggs, bacon, orange juice and milk and shake hands with the city council. It really is the City of Peace.

Next up is the parade. If you ever go, I'm warning you BEWARE OF CANDY. This is one parade you honestly have to duck from the massive amount of candy tossed. I got nailed right in the eye and my mom and I were shielding the girls with our bodies. You know the kids have enough when they start discriminating and leave the less desirable candies on the ground by their feet.

At night they have a little pageant (it's usually painfully bad) and the night ends with a wonderful firework show. The boys even said they liked it as much a Thunder (no way!) because they didn't have to walk to two hours and wait for eight. True. I do love sitting on the hill overlooking the pond with fireworks over head. I know I grew up in a very special place.

Happy 16th Birthday Rhett! August 11, 2007.

The Nance Family Celebrating Rhett's 16th birthday at Chili's on Saturday. Happy Birthday little brother! Can't believe you are old enough to drive and date!

This was the only day it felt hot to me. I guess all the Kentucky humidity is making me stronger. The boys had a ball miniature golfing. We tried to let the girls join in the fun, but they didn't quite under stand the concept and tried to run away. They were soon fastened in the comfort of the double stroller.
I am Tiger Woods. Just kidding. Josh was prepared though. He packed his golf clubs, his golf glove, a collared shirt and khaki shorts so he could play with Grandpa at Riverside.

Not many six-year olds can drive a golf ball 200 yards straight down the fairway. At least that's what Grandpa said! Maybe Josh has a future in this. We'll see.

We all had to say good bye to Kurt for two years. He will be entering the MTC on September 4, 2007. He will be serving an LDS mission in Taiwan and will learn to speak Mandarin Chinese.

We all met up at Jackson's on Sunday morning and then flew back to Lexington.

Thanks for the memories that we'll treasure forever! It went by too quickly and we are already looking forward to Christmas. Love you all!


Marcie said...

You have such a great family!

I loved reading about all you did- you were so good documenting it with pictures!

Tiffany said...

11 grandparents!!!! i think that is a guinneas (pretty sure thats not how to spell that...) world record! i'm not even kidding. i love reading about your trip! it looks like it was so much fun! it's so fun to be together after being apart, play games, go out to eat, go swimming...all the good stuff! im happy you had such a good time!