Thursday, August 23, 2007

Inside the mind of Matt

My little Matt. He's a hard one to explain. He's full of life, funny and yet has a temper beyond his years. He has a vocabulary that rivals that of an adult and loves to analyze, debate and bargain the rules and consequences of life. He talks about issues that range from McDonald's toys to World War II.

He is so opposite of Josh. I like to say Matt would have been a great only child and here he was born a twin. Maybe that is telling us that he has strengths and weakness that can both be helped through having a brother. I think they really do need each other to balance themselves out.

I often say Matt is my quotable child. When I got his preschool journal, the teachers had written down comments and experiences that the child had in class. Matt's was: Matt gave a friend a great compliment. Ms. Kate said, "You're so sweet!" Matt, "Yeah, that's part of being a kid. It's part of the Ten Commandments. You know, love one another."

He always speaks his mind. While in Utah he was sitting on Jeff's lap when he let one rip. Jeff asked Matt. "Did you Puff (our word for toots)? Matt seriously replied, "Of course. I always puff and they smell horribly. But I call them farts because that is the same as puff, but it's worse. Farts smell two times as worse than poop because poop doesn't smell." I say, OH MY!

Last night the two of us were making banana bread. Matt started talking about our ant problem and about the ant killer we bought at Home Depot after school. Matt asked if I put out the poison. I said yes. He then said, "Score for us! Those ants will take it back to the Queen and her minions. We humans make houses and they are dangerous for ants. When we kill ants each day it lowers the species." Really I say. "Yes, we will eliminate their army." Between the words minions, species and eliminate I was smiling. It's just not something that usually comes out of the mouth of a six-year-old.

And now for the crazy/funny story of Matt in Utah. It was a bit shocking as my brothers recounted it to me, but like I said, this is Matt we are talking about. He was downstairs at my Grandma Nance's house talking with Brad. Matt started a deep thought conversation. Matt said, "Sometimes I do not agree with my mom. I hate the rules and do not obey." Brad asked what rules he was talking about. Matt said, "Like going to bed. I like staying up late. All the best shows come on at midnight. Sometimes I stay up all night" He paused and then continued, "And sometimes I swear. I don't remember which one. It think is sounds like "do". No, wait, it rhymes with "L". You know what I mean." At this point I am sure Brad is speechless. Who is this kid?

Matt lifted up a tank he was playing with to show Brad. "Tanks are the most deadliest thing on earth," he explained. He had an idea. He brought the tank upstairs to my Grandma. He asked her if he could have the toy. She sweetly told him that it was part of collection and that he could play with it when he came to visit. Maybe someday she would give it to him. Matt looked at the floor thinking and then blurted out, "I'll give you a week!" Oh no! Here is my six-year-old giving my grandmother an ultimatum and telling Brad swear words he knows. I think we need to have a little Mother to son chat, soon!

So there you have my report on Matt. I know they'll be more to type about in the near future. He'll probably remind me how he HATES sports and that Heavenly Father just made him that way, how he would rather not go to school, but stay in my bed and watch Star Wars (he did that on Monday) and he'll soon remind me of all the things I did incorrectly. What a guy, but at the same time I could write about his wonderful hugs and kisses, how he is a whiz at math, how he loves to help me around the house, how he remembers everything, how he loves to read and listen to stories, how he loves to play games with me and builds the most intricate and thought out cities and wars I've ever seen. He is a child with many facets.

Oh Matt. I love you kid. You keep me on my toes.... and sometimes on my knees!


Marcie said...

So fun to learn more about Matt. What a sharp kid- he'll keep you on you toes!

Tiffany said...

he is like a 60 year old philosopher stuck in a 6 year olds body! i'm happy your writing down all the funny things he says, it will be so fun for him to have later on!