Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Growing Up

We decided to spend the morning first at a local park and then head to the pool around noon for a picnic and swim. As the departure time approached I hurriedly began to throw pool and park items into the van creating an ever deepening pile. Who could believe you needed so much stuff for a three hour outing?

As we drove away from home I opened a Diet Pepsi in-between my legs. You would think after my Diet Coke mishap I would have ended drinking soda in the car. Once I popped the top it began to rapidly fizz out and on to the seat. Have I been cursed because of my large pop consumption? I mean I do drink diet! It wasn’t looking good, or feeling pleasant for that matter. I immediately pulled over to clean up the mess, but the damage was done and it wasn’t pretty. I had my swimsuit on under my clothes, but wet jeans are something I hate. I also wasn’t too thrilled with the idea of walking around the park looking like I couldn’t make it to the bathroom. I was only ½ a block from my home, but was it really worth turning around?

Moments later we were on our way heading to the park. I knew it wasn’t a big deal. It would dry soon enough. But it got me thinking. How I would have reacted to this situation in different times in my life? In high school the idea would have mortified me. Sure, I could have made a joke about and laughed it off, but I would have felt uncomfortable. I definitely would have wanted to head straight home to change. Such little things were life and death then. I didn’t have much perspective. I was embarrassed to have tampon in my back pack or having a zit on my face. It was a time of growing up.

Hopefully as we age, we start to see a bigger picture. We realize that some things are trivial and insignificant. We start to mature and realize that there is more to life than “me.” When you get married you enter a partnership. You find someone who you love and trust and it becomes your ultimate desire to make them happy. Then a baby arrives and you suddenly have this little person relying on you, constantly needing you and you start to forget about me all together.

I turned 30 this past February I have to admit I was ready to celebrate. Thirty great years of life, thirty years of learning and growing. It was a happy day. I was honestly excited for it. Why not? We all get older just as fast, one day at a time. I truly am proud to be thirty.

Besides think of all the things you would have to relive if you went back. Personally I never want to retake any college classes, go through any of my labors again or live through things I have struggled with the first time around. What kind of a life do you get when you are always wishing for things past or of things yet to come? You miss out on life.

So there you have it, Deep thoughts by Cheryl. Hard to believe all this stems from spilled Pepsi, but it did make me stop and think about how I have grown as a person. I hope over the years I have managed to see more clearly things that truly matter. That I have learned from the past, appreciate the present and hope for a bright future and be grateful for it all. I am so blessed!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

I agree. Isn't it funny how as a teenager you used to look at people in our stage of life and think that their lives must be so boring.
Now in that age, I am so happy to be here and not there. I'm sure we'll feel the same when we are fifty.
My mom always tells me that this is one of the most tiring stages of life that I am in, but also the most fun. I would have to agree.