Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Day 2010

Santa and his sleigh found their way to Cincinnati.  In fact, I think his sleigh might have tipped over in our living room, leaving more gifts than anyone could have hoped for.  Must have been pretty good this year....

Everyone got a stocking, even Grandpa and Grandma.  The kids were excited to find small gits inside since Rich and I put down rules that we would not open gifts until 8:00 am.  Zach slept late and the kids were incredible and waited until 9:30 AM to open their presents.  I was impressed and grateful for the extra bit of much needed sleep!

The kids took turns opening gifts by age.  They oohed and ahhed over each other's things.  I didn't get any pictures with each child with their 'pile'.  Not to worry, they all got plenty!

Gifts from the girls: 
Brynn: trivet with a poinsettia made from her hand prints,
Kaitlyn: a handmade snow man

Gifts for my Mom and Dad.  I made our parents a 2010 picture book (360 pages, 1200 images!)  The kids gave them handmade items and my siblings mailed gifts to our house to be opened on Christmas morning.

Zach loved his remote control car

 The boys and my dad got helicopters from Santa.  The boys took turns playing NBA Jam on the Wii and tested out the Loopz game.
 The girls got their beloved Barbie dream townhouse and a Barbie cruise ship.
 Matt got toys, toys and more toys.  Legos, Star Wars Galactic Heroes, Nerf guns and more.  He was the last one to finish opening his stack of gifts.
The girls LOVE their new Neighborhood market and the cool new food.  (I am in love with it too...)
Christmas feast of roast beast, I mean, turkey.
New PJ's from Grandma and Grandpa Blackhair (we missed you!!)

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


Jana said...

So fun! Glad to see that Santa took care of each of them. They are all so cute.

Marcie said...

What fun to see your Christmas. I am dying over the girls Barbie house, cruise ship and neighborhood market. Alice and I want to come play!

Laughing to see those HUGE piles of wrapped presents. Santa must have spent dozens of hours and dozens of rolls of wrapping paper on those great piles.

Laughing, only because we had a big debate in my extended family this year about the "shock and awe" santa method where everything is layed out when you walk down the stairs (which we practice at our house) or the "open one present at a time" method (which my SIL's all want my brothers to do). My brothers are not budging (they love the take your breath away when you see it all part of it) and my SIL's are mad about it.

I think it is funny to be so worried about how it is all done......maybe because Jim and I both grew up with many of the same childhood traditions so it was a non-issue for us.