Sunday, August 26, 2007

Seriously, Stop!

I might file this in the 'what were they thinking?' category, but you could argue that they do have a point.

We were driving around on Friday night exploring our still fairly new city of Lexington when we stumbled upon this. You might say, wow a Stop sign. Like it is something you have never seen before, but look closer.

This Stop sign is place right at the end of a street giving you three options. 1. Stop and then plow through the fence. 2. Stop and then turn left into a drive way and shoot some hoops. (This would be Josh's top selection) or 3. Stop and make a U-Turn. You don't have much choice with a fence in front and a house on the left and a field on the right.

I was laughing at the sign and Rich was laughing at me when I made him turn around and back up the van so I could get a picture. I am sure the words blog and post crossed his mind. What a nice guy!

If I had been in on the design, I would have chosen a 'Dead End' or 'No Outlet' sign, but it seems they ran out of those and opted for a Stop sign and an unmarked orange diamond. Guess it works as long as you can read. Better that than 'Yield'!

...... One other funny thing I read the other day while driving. I was stopped at a red light next to a tow truck. On its door it read: "We don't want your arm or leg, just your TOWS." Clever.


Marcie said...

So glad you got a picture of this...what a good sport Rich is. I see things or most often people often when I'm out that I wish I could snap a photo of. Too funny!

Tiffany said...

Only in Kentucky!

Cheryl said...

I didn't want to say that Tiff, but the thought did cross my mind!