Friday, August 24, 2007

All about Trey

Trey's big school project for the week was to complete and color a poster called Read All About Me! This should have been a relative easy homework assignment for a 2nd grader since the questions were simply answers about yourself. That means there are no right or wrong responses. However, it seems every "project" requires more time than initially anticipated. Trey was given four days to finish the few questions, decorate the poster and be prepared to present it to the class on Friday. Sharing it should be a no brainer. Let's be honest here, you shouldn't forget answers about yourself. Coloring the sheet should be a breeze, using crayons isn't rocket science.

Some kids could have had it all spiffy in one night, but this is Trey we are talking about. He just can't sit still for long when doing things he isn't passionate about. He bounces and hops off the chair to gets drinks, to check on brothers and sisters and tries sneak away when I turn my back. I have threaten to get out the belt and secure him to the chair on more than one occasion. I know he's a bit hyperactive and that characteristic come from moi, so I shouldn't complain. To his credit, he can sit and read for hours, is a Math whiz and could wallop me in a spelling test (he missed only 2 bonus words all year in 1st grade), but when it comes to finishing certain projects, it can be a tough task.

The boy that has a one track mind- how to be entertained. Trey could spend days on end in front of some type of screen and be perfectly content. I think he would rarely notice he was even hungry if he was in the middle of a great show. It's not until the screen goes dark, does he recognize the intense hunger pains in his belly. When I tell him it's time to turn of the TV he scarfs down a few hand fulls of Doritos or some chocolate cereal and disappears, only to find him later upstairs in my room with the door closed (better to hide the noise) watching the same show. When I boot him from my room, he comes down and gets on the computer or finds a Gameboy. You see my struggle!

If you asked him what his favorite invention is, I really might he would say the DVR. The kid knew how to program and record shows before I knew how to turn the dang TV on. While I do love the fact we can pause any show at any time, I don't want to watch the same episode of Myth Busters one more time!

If he didn't say he loved the DVR, his other absolute favorite thing would surely be the Play Station 2. His birthday is fast approaching which means we get to hear daily which game he would like most. Right now he is torn between Star Wars Episode III or Star Wars Republic Commando (which we can only find in Xbox). The first thing Trey said to Rich yesterday was "Mom knows where a GameStop (a video game store) is!" The first thing he utters when we wakes us, after he begs for chocolate milk, has something to do with a game. He's obsessed.

Well, back to the poster. We got it done after Matt and I both helped color and we had the microwave times ticking down the seconds until the written questions had to be complete. He shared it with the class today and happily told me it was the best looking one of the bunch.

Here's what he shared.

I am 7 years old. My birthday is September 26, 1999. I live in Lexington. I am in the second grade. My teacher is Mrs. Newton. I get to school by car. These are the members of my family: Dad, Mom, Josh, Matt, Trey, Brynn and Kaitlyn. When I grow up I would like to be a doctor. I show others I care by writing nice notes to my parents. I am a star because I am good at math. Favorite color: orange, animal: scorpion, food: spaghetti, book: Franny K. Stein, sport: baseball, favorite thing to do in school: math, favorit thing to do at home: Playstation 2 and reading. Three super cool facts about yourself. 1. I am the oldest of five children. 2. I have been to eleven states and Mexico. 3. I have the same name as my dad and grandpa.

Love you Trey!

PS. Earlier this week we had a discussion about why children have to go to school our country. You can't just choose not to go. The government won't let you, you have to get an education. This morning Matt was once again lamenting the fact he had to go to school for yet another day when I reminded him that staying home wasn't an option. He grumbled that he didn't like his new school and liked his old school (preschool) better. Matt then asked "Who signed me up for this school thing?" I reminded him that going to school was a law. He fired back, "I hate the government!" Count out a future in politics!


Tiffany said...

What fun -- I have to say I'm not looking forward to homework and projects. Keenan doesn't have homework until after Open House. But the poster looks great! Miss you guys -- I mean y'all!

Marcie said...

Great job Trey! It was fun to hear the details.