Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lunch Time

Matt, Trey and Josh enjoying hot lunch at Veteran's Park Elementary.

Ever since Trey started kindergarten I tried to go and eat lunch with him as often as I could. In Louisville, I could go to lunch with him alone when Josh and Matt were in preschool on Monday and Wednesday, but most of the time I would take them with me on a no-preschool day so they could enjoy visiting with him. Josh and Matt loved it and were excited to someday join the ranks of hot lunch kids.

Last year, Matt and Josh had preschool Monday- Friday so the girls and I would go to lunch with Trey. It was fun, but we were never all together. That is until this year. Matt and Josh are finally big time like their older brother, but they were still a bit apprehensive about lunch. The solution, make it a group project. Yes, technically I'm not supposed to bring a stroller into the always crowded lunch room, but honestly I don't really have a choice. It makes my heart swell to see their faces light up when they spot me waiting for them at the entrance. Josh's class eats first at 11:10 AM, Matt comes in about 5 minutes later and Trey arrives about ten minutes after that. For just a few brief minutes we can all be there together. What fun!

Each morning we scan the lunch menu to see if they boys would eat what they have to offer. So far it's been thumbs up for taco nachos, chicken tenders (what a surprise), chicken sandwiches and Trey thought the lasagna was just so-so. They often take sack lunches filled with healthy things like Cheetos, Fruit-by-the-Foot and Capri Suns. Yum.

I was doing so well with lunches, until yesterday that is. The minute I spotted Matt walking down the hill after school, face scowling, shoulders slumped I knew something was wrong. When he saw me the frown deepened before he exclaimed that I didn't put his sack lunch in his backpack and he had to eat disgusting nachos. I HATE NACHOS he exclaimed. Not a second later I glanced up to see Josh running down towards us with Matt's sack lunch attached on his bag. Oops. Wrong backpack.

I do have to say I made three sack lunches this morning and triple checked to make sure they were zipped safe inside the correct backpack. Matt will be pleased. A+ for me!


Barney Family said...

Cheryl I am impressed. I have a hard time with my one lunch. You have inspired me to take my other two children to eat lunch with Mckay. I figure if you can do it with two toddlers I surely can manage my one. I am not saying it will happen anytime soon, but I will keep the thought in mind.

Marcie said...

Good for you. I am so grateful that Hayden is not in all day kindergarten if only because I have no idea what I would pack in his sack lunch.

He will not eat sandwiches, except for grilled cheese. It would be very tricky coming up with items that would pack. Hopefully he'll he eating more by next school year. I can always hope!