Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Perfect Evening

Everyone once in awhile you get a tiny glimpse of heaven. These moments don't happen often or usually last very long. Life gets too busy and we spend most of the time rushing around trying to accomplish something worthwhile before we got to bed that night. It's not that often that you sit back and think, wow, I am so lucky to be living the life am! At this moment, everything is perfect and I wouldn't change a thing. That is how I felt this past Friday night. It proves that your location doesn't have to be far away and exotic or the cuisine expensive, you don't have to get all dressed up, jeans and a t-shirt will do, all you really need is to be surrounded by the people you love, laughing, smiling and making new memories together.

We needed someplace to go so the kids couldn't make any new messes in the house. I thought of the greatest park I had been to with the kids once and wanted to go again. We got the van loaded, grabbed both Taco Bell and McDonald's (picky eaters!) and were off. It's only a five minute drive and is located in one of the nicer neighborhood around us. There are swings, a rock climbing wall, a teeter-totter and two play sets that are the perfect size for the girls to go up and down on their own. It was so nice to finally be outside. I had kept the girls in because of the intense heat and the boys weren't allow out for recess on the extreme hot and humid days. We got to the park around 8 PM and it was starting to cool off. The place is beautiful.

Hartland Park, Lexington, KY.

The boys had Rich push them on the swings. The constant request: push me higher!

Matt and Josh. The battle of the twin brothers.

Matt and Brynn looking cute.

Up we go...

happily down came Kaitlyn,

followed right behind by a fast moving Brynn.

Kaitlyn checks out what is for dinner.

Brynn shows her, french fries!

The boys played a mean game of soccer,

until it got too dark.

Then the silliness crept out. We ran races (Rich beat us all, but I held my own!), did handstands, cartwheels, round offs and kicks. The long dead cheerleader in me came to life. We chased around giggling girls. I couldn't have dreamed it better.

Later that night Rich pointed out two helicopters that flew overhead were life flights. It made me cherish the moment even more.

As night grew around us, the moon glowed above the trees making it look like something out of a story book.

I found myself humming one of my favorite songs, Just Like Heaven by The Cure.

How blessed I am!


Amanda said...

Hey Cheryl- I finally started blogging. It's been fun to see your family, and I'm glad all is going well for you guys. I've been thinking a lot about you lately. We have a lot of great memories and I've enjoyed reflecting on those. Love you tons!

Tiffany said...

What a fun night. I'm so glad that you took the time to record a simple night like that -- and even more glad that you had a night like that together as a family! As our kids get older and more involved in activities opportunities for these kind of nights will come less often. Enjoy them now!
I'll put the 29th on the calendar!

Sally said...

Looks like such a fun night and a great reminder that sometimes we have perfect evenings and don't even recoginize them. I love that you appreciate the simplicity of yours.