Friday, June 10, 2011

Sunshine and blossoms

After the rain, comes the flowers. 

It doesn't happen over night. 

It might seem like it does if you haven't slowed down enough to notice, but we all know that's not the way it works. 

If you take the time to stop and notice you see small growth each day.  The future bloom pushing ever upwards.  Hoping that one day the sun will shine and it will get to show the world its beauty.  Proving perseverance, patience and a little luck from Mother Nature, it could have its day bathed in the warm afternoon sun.

Take these beautiful yellow flowers I spied at Loveland Castle yesterday.  Perched on a hill, overreaching the rock wall, clinging to the soil with their deep roots, they were not in an ideal location, but here they grew and thrived.

Looking closely at the petals, they are not perfect.  You can visibly see imperfections.  A few have tiny bends, a couple have dark spots, there's a crease here and there, but when viewed as whole, they were breathtaking.  Simply beautiful to behold.

I could easily find a personal analogy among these yellow flowers.

The past year as been an uphill battle and at times I felt like I was grasping at loose dirt trying to find answers and searching for enlightenment.  We had a job secured, but everything else was a mystery.  Where should we move?  What schools would be the best fit for our kids?  What about commute time and distance from family?   We had many unanswered questions about what was to come.

There were imperfect days.  Rich's job was hard. The work load was vast, the material was difficult and at times the hours were grueling. The kids adjusted quickly, but it's never easy to make friends knowing you are only here for one school year.  There were moments they wished they were elsewhere.  I found myself stressed out and stretched thin trying to get everything done.

Other times I felt like we were hanging off a financial cliff.  While we always have had enough, it is so hard to have a vacant home that had been on the market for 15 months.  The extra utility expenses from Lexington, in addition to our rent and costs here in Cincinnati felt daunting.  The future US economy looks bleak and we were scared the housing market could get worse, far before it got better.

The stresses of life felt like rain damping my soul. 

Then one day, the sun finally broke through the dark clouds of uncertainty, bringing much needed answers, blessing and a few miracles too.

We felt the warmth, the love and the peace we had long been praying for.

The answers we have so desperately need came down like warm sunshine, strengthening our faith and making us stop and count our blessings, time and time again.

Last week, after many 'tender mercies' of the Lord, we were lead to a home in Alpine.  It had only been on the market for 3 days.  Rich discovered online late on a Friday night and he said he felt different about it.  His parents drove by it the next day after returning from a wedding in Salt Lake. They too told us of the feelings they had.  The said we should buy the house.  We promptly scheduled a showing for Memorial Day Monday and a crew consisting of my uncle realtor, my parents, Rich's parents and Kristi toured the home.  The answer was the same, 'This is your home."  This progressed in a lighting fashion.  We were pre-approved for the loan the next day, submitted our offer that night and the following day we accepted their counter offer and have a contract on the home.  Later we found out there was a second cash offer they declined and our lender decreased our closing costs by $5,000 for the seller, which made our offer more appealing than the other.  There also was a third family that wanted to come through for a second showing with their parents.  It was a miracle we got the home.  We will close in mid-July.  I know the Lord was mindful of our situation and needs and allowed the spirit to touch people's hearts, which opened the door for us to purchase this home.  I am truly humbled and grateful it worked out.

Then a second miracle occurred.  After so many ups and downs with our home in Lexington, the right family found their way to our doorstep and gave us an offer on Tuesday night.  It wasn't the perfect amount, but after going back and forth, we found an agreeable middle and signed the papers last night.  They want to close on or before June 30.  Another blessing that we have fasted and prayed for and hoped and dreamed of for so long.

Today, I feel like that yellow flower, content in the June sunshine, enjoying these moments, my surroundings and beauties of life.  I know the pathway to this point in our lives has been long and winding, with hills and valleys, and yet, as I sit, I feel content, relived and excited about what it to come. 

The Lord is generous and merciful and heard our pleas. 

I know that life, like the weather, can change in an instant and there will be future trials we will face and have to overcome, just as we have before.  But for today, I am going to bask in the sunlight of blessings and gratitude and love.  Our pathway home, finally has been found.


Ashlee said...

Cheryl1!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! I got your message in Cali, lost my phone, found my phone and now it's out of battery. I'm so happy for you!!!! Eveything worked out- it just took a little longer than you'd hoped!! Sad you are moving away and that I will just barely miss you but expect a visit from me when the days at the inlaws get a little long:)

love you guys!!!

Marcie said...

I get giddy everytime I think about it all. SO relieved and happy for you.......and me :)

I am sure the stress of this year has taken its toll on your family. What a blessing to know that soon you will be settled in a permanent location so close to family.

Jenny said...

Yay!! We are so excited to have you so close! Jacob is already planning on meeting your boys at Snoasis (the local shaved ice shack), that is just down the street from your new place.
I hadn't heard about your Lexington home! Wow! What a blessing!! Let the Utah countdown begin!

Anonymous said...

Yay! so happy things have finally fallen into place!! What a LONG year it's been for you all. Can't wait to visit you when we come to Utah!!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations Cheryl! What a relief to have a home and sell your old one. It will be so fun to be in Utah again.

Joe and Amy said...

Congratulations Cheryl, how exciting! We are also moving to Utah and looking for a home in the Highland area. Where is your home at in Alpine?

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

Oh I am so happy for you.... All those years of work for you guys--- you totally deserve such tender mercies!!