Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just Off Broadway Dance Recital

The girls had their dance recital last weekend.  They did a really fabulous job.  I was so proud of them.  This was their first experience performing in front of a very large group of people.  There was no stage fright, just some healthy nerves.  That's the way it should be.  They had practiced for months, and while they might miss a step here and there, they did their very best.

The studio they dance with is huge, so they rented the largest high school around, Mason High School, that is up near King's Island.  They had FOUR shows.  We were in the early show which started at noon.  It had two acts, but the girls' numbers were both in the first act, so we could skip the finale and take them home after intermission.

I checked the girls in backstage and went and got seats.  We ended up on the front row, which was honestly too close, but I was happy no one would be blocking my view or pictures.  When I went back to reapply lipstick on Brynn and Kaitlyn, I told them where we were sitting so they could look for us.  They totally could see us when they walked out and Brynn even gave us a quick wave.  That alone made it totally worth the neck strain trying to see the dancers feet. 

Their ballet number, Moon and Stars, was #16.  Their tap number, A Bushel and a Peck, was #21.  We all have been humming and singing those songs for months!

Kaitlyn and Brynn smiled and danced and I shed a few tears.  They were beautiful.

After they walked off stage, I glanced down to start putting away my {completely illegal} Flip Video.  When I looked up, there was Brynn and Kaitlyn standing with their teacher Miss Kristina and their assistant Miss Jordan (14 years old and Miss Junior Dance of America).  They told the crowd their names and that Brynn and Kaitlyn were moving to Utah.  They said how much they loved teaching them and wished us safe travels.  Then they gave them each a large bouquet of flowers.  I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.  What a generous and kind gesture.  I was overwhelmed.  I really am going to miss the good people of Cincinnati.

During intermission I signed the girls out and we went out to meet the family.  Rich gave them each a rose and we posed for pictures.  It was such a treat to see all my kids dressed up and together smiling.  It was a moment I won't soon forget.

Great job Kaitlyn and Brynn!!  We love you!


Marcie said...

They look so beautiful and you got amazing pictures.......can't imagine how hard it must have been to capture two girls in the same dance.

What a sweet thing to acknowledge your girls when there are SO many dancers.

I am totally showing these photos to know, so they can be best friends already when you get here next month :) Yay!

Heather Woolley said...

Darling pictures Cheryl! I was impressed with how many great shots you got of both girls. Very cute. Kaitlyn looks SO much like a Hansen and Brynn is ALL Nance. Just absolute beauties. I am counting the days until we get to come to Utah to see you all this summer!!!

Love you!

Sarah said...

Ok those little dance outfits are too cute! I love how you got pictures of some of their specific dance moves. I can see how you shed a few tears...I'd be so proud!