Thursday, October 7, 2010

Reds Game

A month ago I got an email from Ashlee saying that she wanted to get a group of families from Lexington and come up to a Reds game.  Sounded perfect to us.  Drew had a work meeting Friday afternoon so Ashlee and the boys came to our house to visit.  They were our first visitors here in Cincinnati.  We had so much fun letting the kids play in the backyard while we chatted and caught up.  Drew came by and picked them up and we all met at the game.  The Hydes and Powells came too.

Rich had to work until 6 PM so by the time he came home and we drove back to the city, the game had started.  The rest of the group had parked on the Kentucky side and walked over one of the bridges.  We had never done that before, so I thought it would be fun to try. 

The city was gorgeous in the setting sun and the roar of the baseball crowd could be hear across the river.  It was a LONG walk, but beautiful.  We didn't get to our seats until the 4th inning, but not to worry, the game went extra innings so we got our fill of baseball.

The kids loved seeing their friends and it was wonderful to have a huge group in a relatively empty area allowing us to change seats and let the kids have space to move about. 

My favorite baseball moments were when the put in the Cuban Missile in the 9th inning.  The game was tied and Arnoldis Chapman was whizzing 100 mph fastballs!!  Awesome.  I also loved seeing the ultimate psychotic ritual obsessed #31 Johnny Gomes in action.  Seriously, check out his routine in between EVERY PITCH!  Crazy!

The Reds lost to the Brewers by 1 (3-4) in the 11th inning.  Congrats to Brad and Jeff's team.  We thought about our Milwaukee family while we were there.

Thanks Ashlee and Drew for a perfect night.  Let's do it again in the spring!!!


Marcie said...

Oh, my goodness. I can't believe you parked all the way at the aquarium. That is a very far walk.

We just love spending the night at a baseball game. So relaxing and nice.

Jana said...

Glad you could see the Brewer's win. Brad and I have only been to one game where they have come out with a win, I think we have been to four games.
How fun to have your friends from Lexington come along.
Miss and love you guys!

Sally said...

So fun to hear from you! I know I've said it before but I love that you are such a sports junkie! BSU has been so much fun for us to watch these last couple of years and we are hoping to ride it out as long as we can! We'll see what the rest of the season brings but but its excited for this little small town!

What a fun game! Looks like you had fabulous friends in Lexington too! And nice that its not too far away so that you can still enjoy each other. Your pictures of the skyline are amazing!

I will always laugh about the "taking pictures like a chinese tourist" comment made by Jim or Todd?...but I really enjoy all of the details that you are so good about documenting.

Wish you were joining us on Thursday. Next year right?? Its just around the corner. Hang in there!