Saturday, January 21, 2012

You know when....

* it's time to have your kids forgo recess at school after a SECOND broken bone occurs.  This time football was the culprit.  Trey's left middle finger is broken at the knuckle and goes through the growth plate.  Ouch!  Thankfully I knew exactly who to call!  Thanks Grandpa!

 * you really need to leave a basketball game after Zach's full bottle of milk crashes from the second story balcony and splatters all over the court.  Thank heavens we didn't take out anyone below.

 * your life might be too busy when the only night of the week you had free for the piano tuner to come was Monday night, and that was because Josh just didn't happen to have a basketball game.  Between swim team (Matt), ballet and swimming lessons (Brynn and Kaitlyn), basketball (Josh and Trey), scouts (Josh and Matt), YM (Trey) and baseball (Josh) you are hardly ever home once school gets out.  No wonder I haven't quite gotten around to getting the big boys playing the piano again.  Guess it was a blessing in disguise that their new teacher can't fit them in until April.  So very grateful for email on my phone so I can keep with with all their schedules and map out how to get there!

 * you have a near teenager when he is eagerly counting down the days until his first orthodontic appointment (February 7).  Guess ten year olds just don't think it sounds as fun, though they are going in too.

 * you really have got to get your kids to Disneyland when they know the names of all the characters, rides and can tell you all about them... because they watched them on YouTube.

 * it's election time when you find yourself on the phone with ABC News for seventeen minute randomly selected opinion poll and then say yes to allow an ABC reporter or Washington Post journalist call for a second chat.  Crazy!

 * your little guy might just finally like nursery when he prays for "My Sister Kelly" every night.  Oh we hope!!

 * you've got to change your iPhone passcode when you are constantly calling the thing trying to find it and when you do, it has 9% battery left.  Too many amazing apps calling to my children at all times.

 *  you need to try to make an effort to cook more meals at home when your two year old can rattle off his menu choices when we drive past fast food places.  We zipped past TacoTime tonight on the way to Josh's basketball game and Zach happily exclaims, "Where I got my burrito!"

 *  it's time to pull out the Christmas music from the car CD player when you catch yourself humming Christmas tunes while shopping at Wal-mart in the middle of January.

 *  you desperately need to catch up blogging since it's nearly the end of January and I still haven't gotten moving on making my 2011 picture book.  Darn that summer trip across the country I still have to post about...

 * road construction is a blessing when your Little Red is OBSESSED with 'Big Trucks' like no other child I've ever seen.  Every road that leads to our house (not even joking here) is lined with orange cones and those beautiful big trucks are everywhere! I've even learned all the names.  Who knew there were so many different types of excavators to use?!

 * you were ready to take down the Christmas decor on January 2, but couldn't quite make yourself take down the snowflake mobile over the table or toss out the Poinsettia.  It's hard to let it go.  It's just such a magical time of the year.  Thankfully that new PBK Valentine stuff will help me get ready for 'Heart Day' soon and those cute spring clothes in all the catalogs have me itching for flip flop weather!

 * someone is getting something out of your calling when Zach bursts out singing 'Follow the Prophet' after family prayer.  Is there a better job in the church than primary music leader?  I don't think so.

 * you have a freak out moment when you realize Brynn and Kaitlyn's sixth birthday is rapidly approaching and in six years Trey will be wrapping up high school and thinking about getting his mission papers together.  The thought nearly made my brown hair turn grey.  Need to stop time.  ASAP.

*  you go out and buy high tread tires for winter and a snow blower, you'll never see a drop of white stuff in your yard that year.  Rich was right, I might have been a bit over the top, but one day, they will come in handy!!

 *  you haven't worked out in six months and you find yourself buying a new pair of running shoes (couldn't find the old pair!!) and some workout clothes to motivate yourself to move.  So glad I finally bit the bullet and did.  I forgot that I really do feel better after I work up a sweat.

 * it's winter in Utah when those pesky, ugly inversions set in, but when they get swept away and you get another peek at those glorious mountains, WOW!  Those snow capped peaks and jagged canyon cliffs are stunning. Utah is lovely.

 *  you hit the New Years Eve firework jackpot when the thing blasts up in the air and the explosion was as huge as your parents entire front yard!!  Yes, I was a tiny bit worried about setting their roof on fire, but man, they were the best front yard blasts I have ever seen.  And that's saying A LOT since we lived by the firework mecca: Indiana.  Good work TNT.  Glad I got the biggest one they offered.

 * you miss being on EST on December 31 when you make everyone stop playing Tripoly and find a station that showed the ball dropping live.  It's just not the same tape delayed...

 * you are in trouble when you sign up your youngest son for preschool starting this coming fall and he's packing a lunch everyday and asking to go when you drop off Brynn and Kaitlyn at kindergarten. You feel like you might tear up there in the drop off lane. I'm SO not ready to be alone in the afternoon yet. I will completely miss my little buddy when the day actually comes.

 *  you miss Kentucky when your daughter has to come up with a word that starts with the letter 'f' and you fill up an entire page drawing fireflies.

 * you are happy to be done with the baby stage because babies require so much work and countless sleepless night, but find yourself cuddling Zach and showering him with kisses whenever he is near because knowing he is your last kind of breaks your heart. Plus who doesn't love having an 'I love you more' debate with Z on a daily basis?

 * you have fallen hard for a burger joint when in the middle of the day and at random times you find yourself thinking In & Out sounds really good right now.

 * your kids have complete loyalty to a college when all three big boys can be spotted decked out in BYU sweatshirts and t-shirts most days of the week and Zach has been lugging about the BYU Magazine for two days pointing out Cosmo on the cover to everyone who passed by.

 * you are a mother when you feel sick for the Stanford kicker at the Fiesta Bowl Game when asked to kick the game winning field goal and all you can see is Josh's face on the pitching mound at the Snowball Tourny and how you felt like throwing up. Poor guy. Hard to see my beloved Cardinal fall like that.

 * you still bleed for the other blue team when your Cats are playing and you feel the need to pull out your Ashley Judd look-a-like t-shirt and wear it on game day.

 * you are SO lucky to live close to family when you have both sets of Grandparents at a basketball game in Provo on Friday night and can have cousins over to play, enjoy Sunday dinners together and plan random outings like bowling, movies, weekly Wednesday lunch dates or possible sleepovers (if it snows Sunday night so my mom can get to her 8 am jury duty in AF on time!).   This is what we missed the most, having them in our lives as much as possible!

 * you're blessed when you sit down to type and all you can think about is how much you love your family, appreciate your hard working hubby and feel so much gratitude for amazing friends and family members who make life complete.  I really am one lucky girl.  Now I've got to make sure they know that.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Yay! I know you've been crazy busy, but it's good to hear the details. I always hope I'll run into you one day at Kohlers or Walmart since life seems to crazy to see each other any other way.....maybe this summer.
Sad to be saying that when it is only January, but I totally get the craziness.