We were so lucky to spend this past weekend with Rich's parents. They flew out to Cincinnati on Thursday night and flew back to Utah on Sunday evening.
We loved showing them where we have been this past year, even if the house was a total wreck.
They were great sports and wanted to go up to Dayton to see a few places we hadn't visited yet. We got stuck in traffic and got lost for a moment (totally my fault), but thanks to Rich's dad's iPhone, we made it to see the Wright Brother's museum and the United States Air Force museum.
Zach fell in love with Grandpa (jumping in puddles won him over), the girls never left Grandma's side and the kids had a hard time deciding who got to ride in Grandpa and Grandma's car.
They got to see Josh's last baseball game of the season.
We feasted on Papa John's pizza, Chipotle burritos, IHop pancakes, Chick-fil-A sandwiches and of course Graeter's ice cream.
They all watched Kung Fu Panda 2, while I tried to get a grip on our basement packing and Zach took a much needed nap. They also got to meet our sweet ward on Sunday.
But most of all they helped us have a wonderful, memorable final weekend in the Ohio Valley.
And for the first time in nearly 11 years, it wasn't hard to say goodbye.
We'll be seeing a lot of them soon.
We couldn't be happier.