Thursday, August 26, 2010

One Year Old

Right smack in the middle of the madness of moving, my baby boy turned one year old.  The insanity of the move and our quick trip to the Smoky Mountains didn't allow me to sit and think about the past year with my littlest fella.  

Last night as I cuddled him in my arms, stroked his silky ginger hair and rocked him to sleep, I held his little hands, trace over his meaty, chunky feet and  kissed his chubby cheeks. 

I have enjoyed every day with Zach.  I have stopped and focused on every stage, each milestone and tried to soak it all in.  It might be because he's my last baby.  It may be because he's not a twin and I can simply give myself only to him.  I can sit and rock and sing and slow down because there isn't a second baby waiting to be soothed. 

That is true, but he's also been so easy to love.  He's been my angel.  He's a quiet, thoughtful boy who can be hauled here and there everyday and make it through.  He's happy.  He doesn't fuss.  He's a joy to be around. 

I have needed him over the past few months.  With Rich being away in Cincinnati while the kids and I stayed in Lexington he was the one that would fill my arms, the last to be kissed and tucked in and often snuggle in my bed when he woke in the middle of the night.  Zach was there to help keep the lonely feelings at bay. 

Yes, I have five other little people that bring me endless joy and delight, but sometimes you just need that one little soul that shines when you are around.  That will reach for you, cling to you and hold you tight, just because you're there.

I have not, nor will ever, forget how difficult it was to get him here.  The drama of the pregnancy will never fade and I know that he's my little miracle.  Some would say that I just got lucky.  I know that I was blessed from a gracious and kind Heavenly Father who knew this little boy was to be part of our family. 

I love everything about Zach.  I love his scrunched up nose smiles.  I love his need to explore every cupboard and bag.  I love his soft giggles and his deep belly laugh.  I love his red hair, his bright blue eyes and 8 tiny white teeth.  I love how he hums while he eats.  I love that he'll always clear his plate and that he never refuses to try new food.  I love that he can blow through a straw and giggles from the bubbles.  I love his determination to learn to walk even when he looked like a drunken sailor tipping over again and again.  I love that he can now freely walk around the house with a proud look on his face.  I love that he'll try to comb his own hair.  I laugh that he loves to attack the computer and grab for the mouse.  I love that he is entertained by his sisters.  I love that he takes a long nap in the afternoon.  I loves his zest and excitement for life.  It's contagious.

I love you Z. 

Happy Birthday buddy.

Thanks for making the last 365 plus days so special.

We waited a long time to have you join our family.

And you didn't disappoint.


Your Mom

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