Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of School

Summit Elementary School
Cincinnati, Ohio
Trey- 5th grade- Mrs. Gerstle
Matt- 3rd grade- Mrs. Meeker
Josh- 3rd grade- Mrs. Moran
The walking crew.  Anna (3rd), Michael(4th) and Nate Hooper (6th) live down the street and are in our ward.  The boys have become fast best friends and will walk to and from school each day together.  The school is two blocks from our house.  School starts at 9:10 AM (talk about sleeping in!!!) and ends at 3:40 PM.  They left at 8:50 AM and were home before 4 PM.

The three left behind....
lovin' the odd assortment of sleep attire.  I am SO glad I have my littlest buddies to keep me company while the boys are away.
Lunch with Josh and Matt 
11:45 AM
Trey's lunch isn't until 1:15 PM, so we will have to do lunch on separate days.
I was the ONLY parent at lunch.
Um, let's just say, Summit isn't Veterans Park and I'm missing it already. 
My heart hurt a bit for the boys. 
How can you ever compare another school to the best EVER? 
Seriously, I thought about moving back to Lexington.
Which is saying a lot since I just moved and the horror of it is still fresh in my mind.
The school is fine, but I didn't come away feeling impressed.
The boys' teachers come highly recommended, but the kids I saw looked odd. 
Obviously it's impossible to judge an entire 3rd grade of 100 kids, but I was grateful Josh and Matt have each other this year.
Maybe it's just first day jitters. 
Not sure though.
Fingers crossed. 
(And currently searching for the best elementary school in Utah County....)
Pizza, salad, strawberries, chocolate milk
179 days to go.... but who's counting....

Day Two
 Lunch with Trey (and his friend Micah)


Ashlee said...

Love the pictures of the girls and Zach so cute. Zach looks so confused.I hope the school works out in the end. You can do anything for a year. Miss you!

Jenny said...

Ridgeline Elementary is the best in Utah County!

Come move by us... PLEASE!!!