Thursday, February 5, 2009

Straight from their mouth....

I was rushing here and there trying to get the bags packed and the kids ready for our flight to Utah on Christmas Eve. Rich was working at the hospital, so we needed to all be ready to go when he got home. The boys asked when we were going to leave. I told them we left Lexington at 6:40 PM and then flew to Dallas and then Salt Lake City. Matt said, " I didn't know we were going to Texas today." "Yes." I said." We have to make a quick stop and change planes." Matt sincerely stated, "Man, I sure hope I know how to speak cowboy."

While in Utah over Christmas break Matt had his eye exam. He did indeed need glasses. As he and I looked for the perfect pair of glasses he tried on many options. Each time he would put them on and then smile into the mirror. Even if he was putting them on for me to see, he would always give me a big grin. By the end he told me he was tired of smiling.We found the perfect one and proceeded to purchase it. Just as we finished giving them our information, Matt noticed a tiny brown flower on the end of the ear piece. "Is that a flower?", he asked the lady. "Oh, I didn't see that. I think it is. Do you still want these glasses?" Matt didn't hesitate for a moment. "Yes, I want them. I like flowers. That flower kind of looks like a Honeysuckle, and I do like honey." As we left the store, Matt told me, " Flowers are fine for boys too. All gentlemen like flowers."

We were driving along with Christmas music playing on the radio when Madonna's version of Santa Baby came on. After a few lines Matt said, "She sounds kind of sassy, huh Mom." Well put.

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