Thursday, February 5, 2009

Girlie Adventures

Lest you think the girls have been missing out on all the snow day fun, don't be fooled by their lack of outdoor winter photos. They have been up to A LOT inside making the most of each and every day! By......Helping with laundry.Creating their own stores with clothing racksShopping all the time!All purchases go straight into the basket so they can be easily moved to the next mess pile, I mean next room.Where did Brynn go? (Hard to see her amongst the chaos of clothes and toys!)Playing peek-a-booKaitlyn found her!Silly girl!Creating amazing outfitsBrynn found this size 12 month dress in the storage bin and barely got it zipped up. And yes, that is my SIL's garter from their July wedding. Josh caught it and Brynn happily decided it made a fantastic headband.This girl just loves to twirl!Going to pretend parties in the van. I don't even want to know what I will find stuffed into all these bags!Helping me bake, even when I don't really need their assistance.Look at my sugar coated hands Mom.I'll just brush them off onto the floor. Nice.DaNCinG!!Hiding under the chair. Oh and did I mention that they are amazing at creating disatrous messes? Actually, I'd use the word experts.While the boys room stayed clean all day while the boys were finally back in school, the girls room across the hall was an entirely different story.....They did ALL of this while I was down emptying the dishwasher. Fast, efficient and very, very messy. But we still love you girls!


Ashlee said...

This makes me want twins or that I was a twin. I would have loved a partner in crime and constant play mate. They are so fun!

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

They would get along so well with Sydney!! Her room looks about the same and she is in school all day. I can't figure out how she can mess it up when she is only in it a couple of hours a day...
I hope you are okay with Rich gone... maybe I'll have to recruit some people to come up and see you.

Kristi said...

Holy COW! They don't even contain their messes to the house anymore? Hey, at least there wasn't watermelon and pickles down the stairs, right?

Kristi said...

Woo ooooo! Melissa can recruit ME to come visit you!

Sally said...

I was also just thinking how fun it must be to be a much trouble and someone else to blame!

More importantly, check out your boyss room. I don't think I have EVER seen a boys room that clean...EVER!! Kudos.

Marcie said...

This cracked me up. If I wasn't so afraid of risking waking her last night I would have taken a photo of her room.

I lock her in there at night (she can't stop herself from escaping a million times after we put her to bed). Last night she must have happily played (destroyed) in there for at least two hours before she tucked herself in her bed and turned off the light. EVERY drawer emptied, she was wearing 2 skirts on top of her pajamas and EVERY baby, my little pony, piece of jewelery and dollhouse accessory was strewn on top of the clothes about.

Double the mess would be insane.

LOVE the photos of Brynn with the laundry and posing for her fashion shots in the brown dress. What cute little characters!

Marcie said...

Okay, although I failed to mention it (that's what I get for typing while trying to sooth a screaming child) I was obviously referring to Alice in the first two paragraphs.

Shelly said...

I don't know how you do it Cheryl! What a handful. I thought Hannah was busy. You really are super woman. I love that your girls are such great friends. I look forward to my girls being close like that someday!

Tiffany said...

its a good thing they are soooo adorable! I shall no longer complain, ever, that savannah makes a mess. they win. they quadruple win.

so cute!

Brittany said...

I love that they get to be each others best friends and accomplices!

Barney Family said...

Cheryl your girls are getting so big! They seem like they are the best of friends and also partners in crime. Too cute!
