Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Springtime in Lexington

It has been fun this spring to see Lexington come alive with flowers, trees, birds and bugs. We moved into our home last July, so I didn't even know what plants were in our yard. It was an adventure finding out what would return this year. We have Irises and Daylilies on the side of the house and we planted some daffodils in the front.

I love to plant flowers. The first year we were married I remember the anticipation for spring to arrive and the excitement I had going to Fred Meyers garden center to pick out planter boxes and flowers to put on our little balcony. I planted them during the first week of April and had to pull the planters into our laundry room when a late snow storm hit Provo.

I have found that I tend to buy the same type of flowers my Mom puts in her yard because it's what I associated with home. I love planting colorful flowers in the yard just like she does. I usually buy geraniums and marigolds and many other types so we have a rainbow of colors. I also have good help. Anytime I get out my spade and work gloves the boys rush out to see what they can do. They loved to cut and dig. A few years ago in Louisville they helped me plant about 50 bulbs around our yard in October. What a joy it was for them to see the fruits of their labors when the beautiful flowers came up that next spring. They do work hard, but they can be a bit too helpful at times. When the boys were small I had planted many bright red geraniums in the front of our home. When I had my back turned to plant more by the walkway one of the boys quickly move away from the bushes he was trimming to cut three geraniums I had just planted right in half. Oh well, I guess I was asking for it when I handed them the clippers. Luckily it wasn't their hair or a finger!

We have also had fun with Matt's little pet caterpillar. He found it over a month ago in our backyard and we kept it in a glass jar. He took it to school to show the kids and a few weeks later it formed a cocoon, so he took it in again. I had my doubts that this thing would hatch and survive, but yesterday I noticed a new moth on the side of the jar and we were all so excited. We took it outside and it flew away a short time later.

Also, I was so happy that my family of robins in the front flew away yesterday. It has been so much fun to watch these robin families in our yard, but I just get too attached and I get so nervous and worry about them. I am so relieved when they fly away and I know they made it safely through the nesting part. We had a second nest underneath our deck that flew away a week ago. I noticed that nest while mowing the lawn and quickly went up on the deck to see if I could see any eggs or birds. There was a newly hatched robin and an egg next to it. The next day the second egg hatched and we watched these birds grow and grow over a few weeks. We could peek in between the deck boards for a great look. I have such a respect for these Momma robins. They are wonderful parents and truly care for their little ones. I often feel like a mommy bird feeding my two little ones in their stroller. After watching the mom and dad birds this spring, I have a new found respect for these amazing creatures.

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